Uses of Class

Packages that use StoreChain

Uses of StoreChain in net.sf.spif

Subclasses of StoreChain in net.sf.spif
 class HashStore
          A store backed by a plain HashMap.
 class StoreAccumulator
          A store accumulator can accumulate several puts and removes, and forget them, or send them further down the chain at some later time.
 class StoreCache
          A caching store chain element.
 class StoreDispatcher
          A StoreChain which dispatches requests to the correct chain dependent upon object type.
 class StoreLocker
          Include in a store chain to get pessimistic locking of all objects fecthed for writing.
 class StoreLogger
          A store chain which just logs whatever passes thru as info messages to a logger named by the full class name of this class.
 class StoreProfiler
          A store which logs the time spent on each get and put call passing through as fine messages to a java.util.logging.Logger named by this class name.

Fields in net.sf.spif declared as StoreChain
protected  StoreChain StoreChain.chained
          The store chain chained on this

Methods in net.sf.spif that return StoreChain
 StoreChain StoreDispatcher.getChained(Id id)
          Get the chain for the appropriate id type
protected  StoreChain StoreDispatcher.getStoreChainInstance(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Retrieve the StoreChain instance for the given type (class).
 StoreChain StoreManager.addVetoing(StoreChain chain)
          Requests the addition of a vetoing store chain.
 StoreChain StoreManager.addListening(StoreChain chain)
          Requests the addition of a listening store chain.
 StoreChain StoreManager.addStoring(StoreChain chain)
          Requests the addition of a storing chain object.
 StoreChain StoreManager.getPrevious(StoreChain chain)
          Returns the store chain element appearing before the given store chain element, or null if the given chain is not in the store chain
static StoreChain Store.get()
          Returns the singleton instance of this class
static StoreChain Store.setChained(StoreChain chained)
          Convenience static method.
 StoreChain StoreChain.getChained()
          Returns the chain chained on this.
protected  StoreChain StoreChain.getChained(Id id)
          Returns the chain chained on this for the appropriate type.
 StoreChain StoreChain.getChained(java.lang.Class storeChainSubtype)
          Returns a chained instance of a type
 StoreChain StoreChain.setChained(StoreChain chained)
          Sets the chained chaineded on this

Methods in net.sf.spif with parameters of type StoreChain
 void StoreDispatcher.setChained(java.lang.Class clazz, StoreChain chain)
          Sets a chained store for a particular type.
 StoreChain StoreManager.addVetoing(StoreChain chain)
          Requests the addition of a vetoing store chain.
 StoreChain StoreManager.addListening(StoreChain chain)
          Requests the addition of a listening store chain.
 StoreChain StoreManager.addStoring(StoreChain chain)
          Requests the addition of a storing chain object.
protected  void StoreManager.handleDuplicateAddition(StoreChain duplicate)
          Do type-dependent handling when a duplicate is attemted added
protected  void StoreManager.replace(StoreChain oldChain, StoreChain newChain)
          Replaces a chain element with another
protected  void StoreManager.replace(StoreChain oldChain, StoreChain newChain)
          Replaces a chain element with another
 StoreChain StoreManager.getPrevious(StoreChain chain)
          Returns the store chain element appearing before the given store chain element, or null if the given chain is not in the store chain
protected  boolean StoreManager.storeChainContains(StoreChain chain)
static StoreChain Store.setChained(StoreChain chained)
          Convenience static method.
 StoreChain StoreChain.setChained(StoreChain chained)
          Sets the chained chaineded on this

Uses of StoreChain in net.sf.spif.ejb

Subclasses of StoreChain in net.sf.spif.ejb
 class StoreSessionClient
          A store chain element session bean for chaining together store chains on multiple vms.

Uses of StoreChain in net.sf.spif.optional

Subclasses of StoreChain in net.sf.spif.optional
 class IndexedFileStore
          A file storage using Jisp.

Uses of StoreChain in net.sf.spif.persistence

Subclasses of StoreChain in net.sf.spif.persistence
 class StorePersister
          Automatic storage of model objects The StorePersister is a Store chain which stores to and fetches from a relational storage by automatically matching classes to db tables.

Spif 1.01 (2003-04-03).