Package net.sf.spif

Class Summary
HashStore A store backed by a plain HashMap.
Id A unique id.
Store The store chain entry point.
StoreAccumulator A store accumulator can accumulate several puts and removes, and forget them, or send them further down the chain at some later time.
StoreCache A caching store chain element.
StoreChain A store chain implementation is an object which is able to participate in a store chain - a chain of responsibilities propagating requests for identified objects and changes to such objects.
StoreDispatcher A StoreChain which dispatches requests to the correct chain dependent upon object type.
StoreLocker Include in a store chain to get pessimistic locking of all objects fecthed for writing.
StoreLogger A store chain which just logs whatever passes thru as info messages to a logger named by the full class name of this class.
StoreManager The store manager is a pluggable singleton which can be used to manage the store chain in larger applications.
StoreProfiler A store which logs the time spent on each get and put call passing through as fine messages to a java.util.logging.Logger named by this class name.
ThreadContext Keeps global typed thread-local information

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException A runtime exception thrown on problems which looks related to configuration from the point of throwing.
LockedException Thrown when a lock was requested for an allready locked item
ReflectionException Thrown on reflection errors

Spif 1.01 (2003-04-03).