Uses of Class

Packages that use Id

Uses of Id in net.sf.spif

Methods in net.sf.spif that return Id
 Id StoreLogger.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 Id StoreProfiler.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 Id StoreLocker.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Puts a changed or new object into the store.
 Id StoreCache.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Puts a changed or new object into the store.
 Id HashStore.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 Id StoreAccumulator.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Accumulates the put in this class until commit if a transaction has started.
static Id Store.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Convenience static method.
 Id StoreChain.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Puts an object in the store.

Methods in net.sf.spif with parameters of type Id
 java.lang.Object StoreLogger.get(Id id, boolean writeable)
 Id StoreLogger.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 boolean StoreLogger.remove(Id id)
 StoreChain StoreDispatcher.getChained(Id id)
          Get the chain for the appropriate id type
 java.lang.Object StoreProfiler.get(Id id, boolean writeable)
 Id StoreProfiler.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 java.lang.Object StoreLocker.get(Id id, boolean writeable)
          Returns an objects, but locks it first if it writeable is true.
 Id StoreLocker.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Puts a changed or new object into the store.
 boolean StoreLocker.remove(Id id)
          Removes any held lock before forwarding,
 void StoreLocker.unlock(Id id)
          Unlocks a previously locked object
 java.lang.Object StoreCache.get(Id id, boolean writeable)
          Returns an object.
 java.lang.Object StoreCache.getCached(Id id)
          Returns the value bound to this id in the cache, i.e no forwarding.
 Id StoreCache.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Puts a changed or new object into the store.
 boolean StoreCache.remove(Id id)
          Removes and propagates
 java.lang.Object HashStore.get(Id id, boolean writeable)
 Id HashStore.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 boolean HashStore.remove(Id id)
          Removes and propagates
 java.lang.Object StoreAccumulator.get(Id id, boolean writable)
          Returns an object.
 Id StoreAccumulator.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Accumulates the put in this class until commit if a transaction has started.
 boolean StoreAccumulator.remove(Id id)
          Accumulates the remove in this class until commit if a transaction has started.
static java.lang.Object Store.get(Id id, boolean writable)
          Convenience static method.
static Id Store.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Convenience static method.
static boolean Store.remove(Id id)
          Convenience static method.
protected  StoreChain StoreChain.getChained(Id id)
          Returns the chain chained on this for the appropriate type.
 java.lang.Object StoreChain.get(Id id, boolean writable)
          Returns an object from the store.
 Id StoreChain.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Puts an object in the store.
 boolean StoreChain.remove(Id id)
          Removes an object.

Uses of Id in net.sf.spif.ejb

Methods in net.sf.spif.ejb that return Id
 Id StoreSessionClient.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 Id StoreSessionBean.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 Id StoreSession.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)

Methods in net.sf.spif.ejb with parameters of type Id
 Id StoreSessionClient.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 java.lang.Object StoreSessionClient.get(Id id, boolean writable)
 boolean StoreSessionClient.remove(Id id)
 Id StoreSessionBean.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 java.lang.Object StoreSessionBean.get(Id id, boolean writable)
 boolean StoreSessionBean.remove(Id id)
 Id StoreSession.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 java.lang.Object StoreSession.get(Id id, boolean writable)
 boolean StoreSession.remove(Id id)

Uses of Id in net.sf.spif.example

Subclasses of Id in net.sf.spif.example
 class PersonId

Uses of Id in net.sf.spif.optional

Methods in net.sf.spif.optional that return Id
 Id IndexedFileStore.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Writes an object to file

Methods in net.sf.spif.optional with parameters of type Id
 java.lang.Object IndexedFileStore.get(Id id, boolean writeable)
          Read an object from file
 Id IndexedFileStore.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
          Writes an object to file
 boolean IndexedFileStore.remove(Id id)

Uses of Id in net.sf.spif.persistence

Methods in net.sf.spif.persistence that return Id
 Id StorePersister.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)

Methods in net.sf.spif.persistence with parameters of type Id
 java.lang.Object StorePersister.get(Id id, boolean writable)
 Id StorePersister.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object)
 boolean StorePersister.remove(Id id)
 java.lang.Object TypePersister.get(Id id, java.lang.Object receiver, java.util.Map leftoverValues, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Reads this object and it dependents from persistent storage.
 void TypePersister.put(Id id, java.lang.Object object, java.util.Map unmatchedValues, java.sql.Connection connection)
 boolean TypePersister.remove(Id id, java.lang.Class type, java.sql.Connection connection)
protected  boolean TypePersister.rowToObject(Id id, java.lang.Object receiver, java.util.Map leftoverValues, java.sql.ResultSet row)
          Creates an instance of the type given by the id and populates setters with matching names in the resultset
protected  java.sql.ResultSet TypePersister.getRows(Id id, java.sql.Connection connection)
 void TypePersister.bindValues(Id id, java.lang.Object source, java.sql.PreparedStatement statement, java.util.Map unmatchedValues, boolean update)

Uses of Id in net.sf.spif.util

Methods in net.sf.spif.util with parameters of type Id
 void Locker.lock(Id id, java.lang.String key)
          Locks (or relocks) an item.
 void Locker.unlock(Id id, java.lang.String key)
          Unlocks the given id if it is still locked by the given key.
 boolean Locker.isLockedBy(Id id, java.lang.String key)
          Returns whether this id is currently locked by this key.
 boolean Locker.isLockedByOther(Id id, java.lang.String key)
          Returns true if this id is currently locked, but by another key

Spif 1.01 (2003-04-03).